How To Generate the TypeScript API Client and Use It in an SPFx Project

How To Generate the TypeScript API Client and Use It in an SPFx Project

This is another post about generating an API client. Creating API clients is one of those tasks that should be automated as much as possible. In most cases, you just write the same code over and over by replicating the API schema. Previously, I was talking about generating Power Platform custom connectors based on an Open API definition. This time let’s talk about doing it in TypeScript and using it in an SPFx project....

October 25, 2022 · 4 min · Kamil Rithaler
Generate Azure Function GraphQL API From Database

Generate Azure Function GraphQL API From Database

I remember when I first used a GraphQL API in a React SPA. It was a totally different experience from the one I was used to. The flexibility and ease of API discovery with GraphiQL blew my mind. I was using and creating ODATA APIs by then and my first thought was these must be pretty much the same. In fact, the concept is similar. Give front-end developers an API that will allow them to make requests as they want, and get only the data that they want....

July 18, 2022 · 9 min · Kamil Rithaler
Build and deploy SPFx form customizer

Build and deploy SPFx form customizer

Today Microsoft released the latest version of SPFx (v1.15). This version comes with the feature that I waited most for (and probably many SharePoint developers). This is a possibility to create a “native” list item custom form. Until this day, it was a very hacky process of making a custom webpart and redirecting users to it by using custom actions or list view JSON customizers. Now, this development model is fully supported by SPFx....

June 22, 2022 · 8 min · Kamil Rithaler